
Showing posts from September, 2017

Back to Reality

As the saying goes, "all good things must come to an end".  This Monday, September 25th marked my first day back at work.  Just 8 weeks removed from surgery it was time.  Some might think that I rushed back after brain surgery, but to be honest I was ready.  I was never the type to just sit around and binge watch television shows.  Believe it or not, sitting on the couch for 5-6 hours a day gets old real quick for someone who is used to being on the go all the time. My recovery has had its phases.  First there was the hospital followed by coming home and laying relatively low for a few days.  Days filled with walks, and midday naps.  Then I got a little more freedom and was able to exercise in moderation, drive and I wasn't as fatigued.  Every phase made me a little stronger and after 8 weeks I was ready for some sense of normalcy. On Monday morning I woke up, shaved and showered and in the infamous words of Barney Stinson I "suited up"! ...

Slow and steady STINKS

We've all heard the saying, "you must crawl before you walk and walk before you run".  Now, to an infant or even a toddler this saying makes all the sense in the world,  to most people starting out in any new endeavor it makes sense.  However, for a Type A personality who enjoys instant gratification that saying STINKS!!! The worst part about it is that it doesn't seem to apply to everything.  Last weekend was Labor Day so on Thursday to kick off the long weekend I took Jordan for a run.  Nothing too stressful, a few miles of run/walk(running for 2 minutes, walking for 1 minute).  We started with a walk to warm up and then we were off.  Almost immediately my heart rate was very high and I felt like the 2 minutes would never end.  To say I was relieved when my watch beeped indicating the first walk break would be an understatement.  A year ago I was running 20 miles as part of my marathon training and here a year later I'm sucking wind runnin...