
Showing posts from December, 2017

Pleasantly Surprised

This Sunday brings to an end my first official month of triathlon training with my coach.  Those of you that know me are aware that I am very much a type A personality, very driven and focused once I set my sights on a goal.  In this case that goal is 267 days away. Along my training journey I will be subjected to regular tests by my coach.  Not tests like Jordan takes but tests to measure my fitness and my progress.  These help us to stay on track and make sure that I am peaking next August. I affectionately refer to these tests as “go hard and try not to puke” tests.  They take place on the bike in the form of a Functional Threshold Power test which measures my power on the bike.  I do this test  both in spin class and on my bike in the garage.  It’s basically a 20 minute all out effort and at the end you feel like death! I completed both of these over the last two and a half weeks or so.  The good news, at least to me is that my numbers...