Numbers, Do they mean anything
Those of you that know me, know that I am NOT a numbers person at all. Never was and never will be. I also generally don’t believe in fate or luck. I believe that if I work hard then I create my own luck. That being said, on my run this morning the only thing that kept bouncing around in my head was NUMBERS! My coach had assigned me to run my first 10k, 6.2 miles in zone 2 which is essentially a recovery or nice easy run. I knew going into this run that I had to trust my training and more specifically heart rate training. This is what I used when I ran the marathon so I know that it works. The downside, especially for those type A, immediate gratification people like myself is that you must go slow to eventually go fast. So they key is not to focus on pace, but rather my heart rate. So off I went, in a light drizzle, but 55 degrees it was perfect running weather. About a mile and a half into the run it dawned on me that this would be my long...