
Showing posts from November, 2020

Here we go......again

 We are definitely living in strange times to say the least.  Being out in public and seeing all of the masked faces, trying to identify friends by the way they walk, their body language or even their eyes, it is all very surreal yet it seems to be the new normal.  A lot has changed in a year in all facets of my life.  When races and life in general seemed to get canceled and the world seemed darkest is when I started to shift my focus.  After the initial disappointment I realized that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.  A chance to spend more time with my family, more father son time on the golf course, watching Jordan develop a love and passion for a game that was and still is a big part of who I am.  Today with me working from home and Jordan’s hybrid schedule we get to go for a walk everyday at lunchtime, more family dinners on weekends, these are the things that I am thankful for in a time of uncertainty.  Last week also brought back ...